Dengue (Viral Infection/Pest-Borne Virus)

Dengue is one of the vital infections caused by a particular mosquito known as Aedes aegypti. The viral infection is most prevalent in tropical and sub-tropical climates. Symptoms may appear within 3 to 4 days after the occurrence of the infection. These symptoms include fever, headaches, rashes, and nausea. Although it gets better in one or two weeks, some people suffering from the viral infection need immediate hospitalization. Thus, it can be a fatal disease in some cases. Around 400 million cases of dengue are reported every year. The risk of the disease increases for people travelling abroad. Apart from that, immunocompromised individuals and older adults are more at risk of getting severe forms of dengue.
We can prevent the disease by adopting preventive measures and proper hygienic habits. For this, apply insecticidal sprays to your skin, use protective clothing, and sleep with bed nets. Apart from that, maintain cleanliness in your surroundings to keep the environment safe and healthy. Hence, it is crucial to reduce the prevalence of the disease by executing preventive strategies.

Dengue caused by Aedes aegypti

Warning Signs of Dengue Infection

Sometimes, dengue infection becomes fatal and needs immediate attention. Some of the warning signs of a viral infection include consistent vomiting, stomach pain, restlessness, difficulty breathing, bleeding gums and noses, and bruises.
Two types of vaccines have been recommended for commercial use against this viral infection. However, it’s best to avoid being bitten by mosquitoes to prevent a viral infection.


There is not any specific treatment for dengue fever. Drink plenty of water and fluids during the recovery period. Apart from that, consult your doctor after experiencing the following signs and symptoms:.
• Fatigue
• Reduced urination
• Laziness
• Confusion
• No tears
• Headache
• Nausea
• Fever
• Rashes
Apart from that, acetaminophen can help you reduce muscle pain. However, try to avoid using other painkillers like ibuprofen, aspirin, and diclofenac. Because these painkillers can aggravate the condition.
In conclusion, dengue is one of the diseases carried by mosquitoes. It transfers to humans after a bite from an infected mosquito. Precautions must be taken to reduce the frequency of this viral infection.